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Jobs for “None”

7 matches

  • Concrete Work

    El Paso., TX Temp 5 Hours ago
    General Description of Position: Responsible for smoothing out, leveling and finishing freshly poured concrete at job or construction sites. Perform repairs on cures concrete. Essential functions and responsibilities listed below:  Apply hardening and sealing compounds to cure concrete surfaces Set and check the forms that hold concrete to ensure they are well constructed  Align forms for sidewalks, curbs, and gutters  Direct the casting of the concrete and supervise labor...
    Order: 2103850
  • Building Maintenance

    El Paso, TX Temp More than a year ago
    No description posted
    Order: 2059391
  • Consultant

    Cd. Juarez, CH Temp More than a year ago
    No description posted
    Order: 2066010
  • Consultant

    Cd. Juarez, CH Temp More than a year ago
    No description posted
    Order: 2066170
  • Consultant

    Cd. Juarez, CH Temp More than a year ago
    No description posted
    Order: 2066171
  • Laborer

    El Paso, TX Temp More than a year ago
    No description posted
    Order: 2073175
  • Cad/Pennant Administrator

    El Paso, TX Temp 4 Days ago
    No description posted
    Order: 2103503