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Grants Accounting Specialist

Nixon, NV

Order: 1055850
Short Term

GRANTS ACCOUNTING SPECIALIST                                         

DEFINITION: Provides technical accounting, budget and other administrative support for contract and grant programs of the Pyramid Lake Paiute Tribe, including monitoring, tracking, and maintaining current draw down of funds. Prepare/track required internal and external administrative and financial reports.


Provide advanced and technical accounting support work, involving varying fiscal years, for the Pyramid Lake Paiute Tribe and its grant-funded programs.

Monitor, analyze and prepare reports on the financial transactions and accounting for programs funded by Federal, state and local grants and allocations.

Monitor fiscal compliance by subcontractors and sub-recipients with various reporting periods.

Track revenues and expenditures by funding source and/or subcontract.   Reconcile grant and program financial statements for submittal to the Tribal Comptroller for monthly/quarterly review.

Work closely with department staff, tribal officials, and Federal, state and local governmental agencies.  Keep abreast of changes involving internal and external practices, policies, and procedures to assure grants are administered to such policies.

Report financial grant information from a variety of revenue sources with many element codes.  Prepare a variety of reports, statements, records, analyses, and financial compilations for Federal, state, and local regulatory agencies with various reporting periods according to specifications and program needs.   Prepare grant close-outs and biennial reports.

Track due dates and prepare reports for grantor agencies and prepare grant requests for reimbursement or advances as allowable by the funding agency as outlined by the specific grant or contract.  Timely follow-up and resolution to reimbursements declined by the grantor.

Review and verify requisitions and financial transactions to ensure compliance with the appropriate use of contract and grant funds as set forth by the funding agency and applicable laws, regulations, and policies.  May assume authorization to approve requisitions.

Assist in recommending and implementing grant administrative and fiscal reform, both in department systems and financial compliance reporting systems. 


Calculate and execute electronic and manual fund transfers from grantor financial institutions to Tribal bank accounts.  Establish and use record keeping procedures, manually and through on-line data entry and wire transfer systems.

Establish and maintain a schedule detailing deadlines and key dates for grant reporting (financial and administrative) and update the schedule regularly for use and distribution to tribal programs and officials.

Assist in the closing of grants as required to ensure that all federal requirements for grant closings are followed, primarily that all reporting requirements are complete and that all funds are properly received and accounted for.

Assist the Tribal Comptroller with the annual audit, prepare Scheduled Expenditures of Federal Awards (SEFA).  Review and process Federal, State, and other budget modifications.

Maintain and update Grant data base.  Operate integrated accounting system, troubleshoot accounting system errors.

Perform other duties as assigned.


Knowledge of:  budgeting, accounting and reporting; office practices and procedures; unique accounting issues related to Federal, state and local grants; spreadsheet and data processing software used to develop financial reports and data collection; governmental accounting and cash flow policies and procedures; fund, managerial, governmental, and cost accounting principles and practices; OMB Circulars.

Skilled in:  effective interpersonal communication; organization and planning; developing accounting record systems, worksheets and reports; interpreting financial accounting reports and presenting information to others.

Ability to:  plan, design and implement specialized financial accounting procedures; research, analyze and interpret complex accounting data; prepare clear, concise financial reports for managers, grantors, and other internal and external users; develop and maintain effective working relationships with those contacted in the course of work; follow complex directions; handle multiple priorities; independently plan, initiate, and complete assignments.

Must favorably pass a thorough background investigation, including fingerprint clearance.  Must possess a valid Nevada driver’s license and be insurable under the Tribe’s insurance vehicle policy.  Must be able to pass a pre-employment drug/alcohol test.