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Hiring Demo workers!

Leander, TX

Order: 29953646

We are currently hiring Demo workers to work in commercial !

$17 per hour + OT.


Must be able to lift 80 lbs, work OT, be reliable and not afraid of heights!


If you are interested and qualify please email:



or call: 512-879-2857


Estamos contratando a trabajadores de Demolicion!

$17 por hora + OT


Tiene que poder levantar 80 libras, trabajar OT, y no tener miedo a las alturas.

Si calificas y estas interesado manda email al : christianmireles@marekbros.com; tatianahiri@marekbros.com


o llama al: 512-879-2857


Email: christianmireles@marekbros.com